Latest version of the World Ribus database (Current Release V1 expected in late 2024, right-click and ‘Save As’):
Which file(s) are most suitable for you? XLS is a spreadsheet, associated with Excel, which consists of a large table of data that can be edited. KML and GPX files are quite similar as both can be used with Google Earth, Google Maps and other mapping software. GPX files typically contain more data and are therefore larger files and can be directly uploaded to GPS devices such as Garmin. It is easy to convert between GPX and KML (and vice versa) using an online converter.
Database Revision Information. The World Ribus downloads above come in the naming format as follows: Ribus – Version Number – Date (DDMMYYYY). For example, Ribus-V1-20062024 for Version 1, released on 20th June 2024. There is no set time period for new updates. Rather, an update happens as and when there is sufficient reason to create one such as improved data for a considerable number of mountain peaks.
Previous versions (updated June 2024): None.